Locker 5 - slanted - Lockers for sale

Locker 5 - slanted - Locker 5 - slanted - Lockers for sale - Locker 5 slanted

Locker 5-slanted - Metmeister Products - Lockers

Locker 5-slanted

Price: R 8483.9 Excluding VAT
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Locker 5 slanted

Locker 5 - slanted Industrial locker manufactured from 1.2mm-2.0mm  steel

Lockers and seat bench with full-height cubicles are rigid and made from 1.2mm and 2mm heavy duty quality steel, epoxy coated in beige texture, with 4 compartments. Bench seats are from pine wood, protected with clear lacquer. Locker also has seat bench which is 300mm deep 400mm high.



Subject to our general terms and conditions of supply and delivery. Technical data, pricing, dimensions, and weights are subject to change, due to a policy of continual product development. The illustrations are for reference only. Dimensions are in millimetres. Metmeister reserves the right to alter design and specifications without prior notice.